Pizza is undoubtedly one of the iconic dishes not only of Italy but also of the Mediterranean diet. In recent years, consumer attention to healthy and balanced eating has grown exponentially, and the food & health combination has become increasingly strategic for daily well-being. This course aims to impart techniques and knowledge to create pizzas that can meet a growing market demand for diet-conscious, nutritionally aware, and sport-friendly options. Protein-rich doughs, fiber-rich organic flours, or flours with a high seed content will serve as the ideal base for pizzas that respect ingredient seasonality with a focus on sustainability—nutritional, environmental, and organoleptic. The course will cover various types of next-generation flours, different kneading techniques, the use of sourdough, and creating recipes with vegetables in various textures to enrich the pizza offerings for a nutritionally balanced and quality-focused audience.
The Pizza & Health course is aimed at professionals who are mindful of nutrition and the balance between food and well-being. It is for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of using fibers in doughs, lowering the glycemic index, and reducing salt and fat for a balanced, healthy, and tasty product.
The Latest Trends in the Pizza World: New Pizza Trends
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Health and pizza course
Cosa apprenderai
Una formazione professionale che ti permetterà di apprendere importanti aspetti nutrizionali sul cibo che consumiamo e che produciamo per I nostri clienti. Il corso ti permetterà di acquisire tecniche e conoscenze per un approccio diverso e consapevole nei confronti della materia prima, dei prodotti stagionali e di tutti gli ingredienti necessari per realizzare ricette bilanciate con farine dall’alto valore nutrizionale oltre che biologiche, con semi grezzi, ricchi di acidi grassi omega3, fibre, minerali e vitamine, con poco sale e grassi. Sarà inoltre approfondito l’uso del lievito madre e la valorizzazione di ingredienti vegetali.
40 ore totali, suddivise in 5 giorni: 10 ore di lezione teorica e 30 ore di pratica.
Dalle 9.00 alle 17:30
Course program
10 Hours
- Frumento: l’evoluzione nella macinazione: La nuova frontiera delle farine di ultima generazione.
- La farina: descrizione degli elementi che la compongono
- Metodi di impastamento: diretto e indiretto e lievito madre
- Gestione del lievito madre liquido e solido: I suggerimenti per mantenerlo in salute
- Utilizzo di farine alternative, Biologiche e ricche di fibra
- Il valore delle materie prime. Conoscere gli aspetti nutrizionali della farina utilizzata e di tutti gli elementi che compongono la ricetta della pizza
- L’approccio corretto nei confronti della sostenibilità, la territorialità e la stagionalità dei prodotti freschi di utilizzo in pizzeria.
- Costruire una ricetta: valorizzare l’equilibrio dei contrasti e le dosi degli ingredienti nel rispetto di un prodotto povero di sale, di grassi e con maggiori fibre, quindi sano e gustoso
30 Hours
- Realizzazione impasto idratato a breve lievitazione e lunga lievitazione
- Realizzazione della pizza con impasti diretti, indiretti e con lievito madre
- Utilizzo di impasti con farine alternative, semi grezzi ricchi Omega3, fibre, minerali, vitamine e micronutrienti
- Tecniche di stesura del disco di pasta e calibrazione del condimento
- Gestione del forno per le diverse tipologie di pizze preparate
- Sviluppo di ricette bilanciate da un punto di vista nutrizionale, prettamente a base vegetale
Pizza Gourmet Courses
For a little over a decade, gourmet pizza has not only become a market trend but also represents the challenging marriage between cuisine and pizzeria; two worlds that are close yet sometimes distant in technique, management, and, to some extent, media success. The idea of bringing pizza closer to haute cuisine has allowed the creation of a new style or simply shone a spotlight on the quality of the dough and especially on the quality of the ingredients, whether fresh or cooked, used in pizzerias.
The course will delve into the gourmet phenomenon, starting with doughs made from next-generation flours for pizza styles that enhance high-quality ingredients. This will be followed by a focus on the selection of ingredients: fresh, seasonal, or preserved, with their respective pairings. The connection with the kitchen will be managed by some chefs who will prepare various recipes to help participants learn cooking and food preservation techniques for replicating their gourmet pizzas.
The Gourmet Pizza course is aimed at professionals who want to explore the combination of cuisine and pizzeria to experiment with new flavor pairings through pizza styles suitable for incorporating high-value gastronomic ingredients or preparations.
What You Will Learn
An in-depth level of knowledge and preparation on various types of dough, pizza styles, production techniques, high-quality ingredients, as well as a focus on preparations that bridge the world of restaurant cuisine and pizza.
40 hours total, divided into 5 days: 10 hours of theoretical lessons and 30 hours of practice.
From 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Course Program
10 Hours
- Equipment and tools needed to tackle gourmet pizza
- Wheat: the evolution of milling. The new frontier of next-generation flours.
- Flour composition
- Baking pizza in relation to the desired product
- Managing raw materials and creating a recipe: choosing and evaluating seasonality, cooking or marinating, enhancing the balance of contrasts
- The value of raw materials. The correct approach to sustainability, locality, and seasonality in fresh products.
- Food Photography: an in-depth look at photographic techniques to showcase your product in web and social media communication.
30 Hours
- Making contemporary pizza with direct and indirect doughs
- Making indirect doughs for pan pizza
- Making indirect doughs for pizza in pala
- Using next-generation flours
- Managing dough fermentation and maturation at both room and controlled temperatures
- Developing traditional and innovative recipes with the support of chefs
- Verification test with practical exam
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Padova (Curtarolo)Prossima data: 03/11/2025
Padova (Curtarolo)Prossima data: 16/06/2025